Thursday, July 31, 2008

Smooth sailing in Ecuador…and another GAME!

Hola from Ecuador!

So I know it’s been awhile since I checked in and I can’t even use the excuse that I haven’t had time...I’ve actually had more time on my hands than usual. The problem you ask? Everything is going so smoothly here so far that I have no funny, crazy mishaps to tell you all about yet!

But, I thought I should give a quick update on my first few days from a NEW continent in country number 3: Otavalo, Ecuador.

Ok, so first of all, for the last 2 weeks, I have been dreading the actual travel day to Ecuador. I had visions of overweight luggage, lost baggage lines, confused taxi drivers and no host family to greet me. Instead I had two amazing flights, luggage first off the carousel, nice cabbie and amazing new host family!

Of course there has been the “usual” adjustment period. I do miss the familiarity of Antigua and Copan. I miss knowing where to buy water, where to do friends... :)

It’s been kind of a weird week because I only have Spanish school this week and don’t start on the school project until Monday (stay tuned for good stories from there). So I haven’t really gotten to know the other volunteers too much yet but they all seem really nice and I’m sure before long, I’ll be exploring the Amazon jungle with these perfect strangers.

But overall, Ecuador has been great. Other than the fact that I can’t breathe after climbing two flights of stairs (I am at 10,000+ ft. altitude...), I have no internet or TV and I don’t really know anything or anyone...I am doing great! I thought I’d do a quick run-down of the top 10 simple pleasures that I love about Ecuador so far...

10. I have drawers. This is a HUGE deal. This is the first time that I haven’t just had stacks of clothes around my room in 3 months. Huge.

9. I have a maid. Yep. That’s right. There is a maid in my house and she makes my bed and cleans my room every day. A little strange but quite nice!

8. I am not sweating. It is actually pretty darn cold here! Every day I’ve worn at least two or three layers and my North Face fleece...think very cold fall day in Minnesota. Seriously a nice change from sweltering Honduras...and I get to crack out my scarf collection which I love.

7. Related to number 8 but because it’s not humid, I no longer have the hair of an INSANE person. Gotta love the thin air up here.

6. Again, related to 7 and 8 but I actually get to use blankets here. Again, a first in 3 months.

5. They use American Dollars here. Strange but true. Really nice that every shopping venture is no longer a math quiz of converting whatever currency it is into dollars (the problem? Cash machines only give $20s...I have yet to find a store that can break them...)

4. I’m in the same time zone as Minnesota. Not really sure why this is a good thing but it just feels like I’m closer somehow!

3. There are no mosquitoes...none. Need I say more?

2. My Spanish teacher speaks pretty good English. This is probably actually a bad thing but it is really nice when I have no idea what she is talking about.

1. Have I mentioned that it is cool, there are no mosquitos and that I have a maid? I thought so. as you can see, Ecuador is pretty great and I’m sure there will be even more things I will discover to love about it soon (like maybe the 20-something kids that I am supposed to teach at some point??)

So...without further ado...the game:

After some requests for another game (ok...just from David) and a less-numbered focussed game (again, by request of David), here is the deal:

Clearly there are many wonderful simple pleasures here in Ecuador. BUT...don’t get me wrong, there are many simple pleasures and little things that I still miss from the good ole U.S. of A.

Your job?

What are these simple pleasures that I miss the most?? Keep in mind...this is coming from a girl who is very excited about a set of dresser drawers.

I already have my list of FIVE simple pleasures that I am missing most. You are all allowed to guess up to 5 (but if you want, you can just guess 1 or 2...). You get one point for every one you get right...and possibly additional points for creativity (I’ll be the judge of that...).

Don’t let the pressure get to you...just guess! You all know the only reason I am doing this is just to boost my comment statistics...

Answers and winners will be posted soon...


P.S...I promise pictures soon for you visualists out there...


Anonymous said...

Hola D!! As I said on the phone, (yes everyone, I actually SPOKE to Debra on the phone!!) this little absence of yours has been PAINFUL!!!! Way too long! Would never have allowed it if I had known time would move so slow!!! Anyway, always "game" for a new game, and knowing you like I think I do, here are the 5 simple pleasures I believe you miss the most: (Wish I could say your parents but I'm not mainlining cocaine yet and I do know where I belong in the pecking order of things missed.) Anyway, here it is:
1. Able to flush toilet on a whim.
2. Coffee houses
3. "picking-up" and "ordering in" from favorite restaurants
4. TV AND TIVO!!!!!!
5. own car

Anonymous said...

Here goes...
#1. Adam
#2. Sam
#3. Josi
#4. Josh
#5. Eve

Be careful how you have a new blog loyalist who is six years old and whose name rhymes with mosh.

Love ya, Ann

Anonymous said...

hi, Debra,
I love your writings, maybe you can become a famous op-ed writer for the NYTimes one day, and then I can say, "Hey, I knew her when we lived in Copan, Honduras for a week in 2008!!"

Robyn said...
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Robyn said...

I liked the numbers in the game the first time. Can I add percentages or something? Maybe a nice bar chart? Ok here are my guesses:

1. Tivo
2. Ms. Punky Franknblatt (who no longer eats her own poop).
3. Take out Chinese
4. Internet anytime, anyplace
5. The state fair

Anonymous said...

Debra, because you are the brand champion of so many things, and LOVE so many of the simple pleasures, this seems like a tough question. But, in order to attempt to defend my title, here are my guesses.

2. Chinese food take out
3. Red meat - specifically the baseball steak from Manny's
4. The sleeping chair in your room
5. Soft toilet paper (although I am praying this does not make the list because I will be there in two weeks)

Bonus answer - although not a simple pleasure, but rather a requirement of being a true Minnesotant, THE STATE FAIR

Kara Frank said...

1. Cold vegetables
2. Decaf Coffee
3. organizational items (drawers, hangers, shoe rack, desk)
4. clean toilets/flushable

Abby said...

Ok straight from Chicago here are my guesses for the 5 things that Debra Fiterman misses most:

2. Decaf coffee and related beverages
3. Good Day Cafe
4. Celebrating Birthdays (although very convenient that you will be home for your own)
5. Mani/pedi at Twin City Nails

Bonus Answers:
1. Your favorite cereals at any time of day!
2. Smoothies and food from Tropical Smoothie in Naples!

Miss you so much!


Anonymous said...

Hi D
Sounds like your adventure continues. I saw Rachel yesturday and she is excited about her visit to see you.
Here is my thoughts on your most missed from home.
1) Friends
3) Video Games
4) Wireless computer connection is always available.
5) Condo and Car
Extra Credit "Least Missed"
1) Dad ( or you would call more often)
2) Mom's questions on the guys you are dating.
3) Corporate America Stress"
4)Wondering what to wear to be in fashion.
5)Political commercials
Love Ya and Miss YOU

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that I get to see you in one week!!!! AhHH! So excited!

Ok, on to the game.
1. Watching Tivo-ed TV with Rachel
2. Drinking Decaff coffee with Rachel
3. Enjoying your climate controlled condo with Rachel
4. Eating Sushi with Rachel
5. Talking on your iPhone at least twice daily with Rachel, of course.

Love you, miss you, see you soon!!

Anonymous said...

Take out food
Air conditioning
cell phone

Love you!

Anonymous said...

glad to hear you've got some friends out there,thought you'd never make only joking!!just dont forget about the old ones ok!!:) i am seriously jealous about the no mosquitoes although i brought myself some of that cream so im coping ok here!xxxx