Thursday, May 15, 2008

Reasons to celebrate...

Well, apparently all you guys needed was a little threatening and the comments just start rolling in! I love, love, love it. You would think that my main motivation behind writing these would be so I would have a record of what is probably going to be the most exciting, life-changing, whirlwind of a six-months of my life...but nope. I am seriously more motivated by getting fun comments from all of you!

Ok, so today’s blog is actually a little “out-of-date” but there has just been so many things to write about that I haven’t had a chance to write about a few things that have happened over the last two weeks!

So I wanted to tell you about two “celebration days” at the school I teach: April Birthdays and Mother’s Day.

First, April Birthdays. So for all of you out there reading this who have known me longer than 6 months and 16 days, you know that I am completely obsessed with birthdays. Mine. Yours. Pretty much any reason to light candles, put them in a cake and sing gets me pretty excited. (For those of you wondering why 6 months and 16 days, that is how long it has been since my last birthday...which means you have less than 6 months to prepare for my next one)

So given that I am the self-proclaimed birthday queen, I was more than excited when I found out that once a month, we do not have regular classes at Santa Maria but instead, celebrate all the kids’ birthdays who had one in that month.

Don’t get me first, I couldn’t believe that we didn’t celebrate each birthday individually. But for these kids, the communal birthday celebrating is most likely the only one they have. In fact, most of them do not even know the date of their birthdays. So needless to day, this is a very special day for those kids.

Like so many things in Santa Maria, things often seem a bit upside down. Stray dogs wandering the classrooms, volunteers teaching kids in neither their, nor the kids first language, the kids actually looking forward to going to school...the list goes on. But also like so many things up here, I’ve realized that as different as things are, they are exactly the same.
The birthday celebrating was complete with presents, donuts and florescent yellow punch. There were piñatas and singing. We danced the Macarena (yes...that song actually still exists...) and other ridiculous line dances that go on way too long. The kids even lined up so that all of the birthday kids get a hug from all of the other kids. And of course, when a boy-girl pair turned up, the entire crowd starts chanting, “Beso, beso, beso!” (Kiss him, kiss him!)'s a video:

Overall, these kids may not have been woken up with breakfast in bed. They may not have had a cake with their names on it. But for the 14 April birthday girls and 5 April birthday boys, it is just another reason why they are so happy to have a place like Santa Maria to go...and why I am so happy to help them celebrate. onto Mother’s Day. As many of you know, after I returned from my first trip to Africa, I was completely inspired by the women in the community. This celebration of the women in Santa Maria only inspired me further. Each woman is so amazing...many with several children and endless work...but always ready with curious eyes and heartfelt hug.

To celebrate Mother’s Day, we dedicated an entire day of school to them where the kids stayed home and we had programming directed solely at the moms. At first, when we started planning this program, I wasn’t so sure. We had all your typical kids games planned and I just wasn’t sure how it would go over with the moms. Somehow I couldn’t imagine the Tanglen Elementary School PTA moms playing “Who can drink a coke the fastest?” Or “who can pop a balloon between their stomachs and a male teacher’s stomach?”

But I’m a pretty long way from Hopkins, Minnesota and here, the moms seemed to love it! We played tons of games...including a mango eating contest, volunteer trivia, a dance off and even the pass the orange between your necks game. Here is a video of the mango eating contest...these women can seriously throw was AMAZING!

While these games at home would usually be rewarded with an iPod Shuffle or a Bed, Bath and Beyond gift card, these moms were given a bag of rice or pasta for their families. It really was incredible.

Even since I arrived at Santa Maria on the first day, I felt an overwhelming sense of being so welcome. And being invited to share in the celebrations of the community has only made me feel more a part of it all.

Even with all the struggles of the area, I have never seen one person look ashamed, refrain from a reason to celebrate or even hold back a broad smile...and the best ones are smiles covered in chocolate donuts.



jwc said...

Debra -
Love the blog -- it's one of the things that I look forward to in the evening after the kiddos go to bed. I really enjoy your stories -- you know how to bring everything to life!! Thanks for going on such great adventures so that we can all live vicariously through you! :) Joan

Anonymous said...
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CruiseConfidant said...

I miss you! Although it is hard to miss you when I know that you are having the best experience of your life. When I read your blog its like listening to you speak.....if only I could figure out how to walk around the lake and read your blog at the same time!

Well I made my final decision. You missed it and I made it through eventually. I decided not to rejoin the cruise industry. It is a long story involving a panic attack and a place ticket in the mail.

Keep the personality briefs of your kids coming. They have been my favorite so far.

Anonymous said...

Would I have gotten in on the April Birthday Celebration? Seems like you are expiriencing an unbeleivable country and culture. I'm so must be making such an increadible impact on your students lives. You are a rockstar to them and me! Keep the blogs make me feel like I'm there with you.


Elliot said...
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Elliot said...

Debra, I am very much enjoying your strange, time-warp blog, where things are related in a different order to which they occured. You may well criticise me for holding on to the updates, but it´s been a week now and I am none the wiser as to the goings on in Antigua. How are you? How are the kiddies? How´s the wretched dog that bit me? Keep up the excellent blogging. I´m back in Guatemala now so look out!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I brought the mango eating contest idea to the Basswood PTA meeting, and wouldn't you know...they're still stuck on the old fashioned Mother's Day seedling project...boy, are they missing out! Maybe I should have played the video you sent? Had lunch with Rabbi's Kravitz and Brusso at a baby naming today, and we spent the entire time discussing your if you get clergy visiting your blog soon - you know who to blame...just keep it clean, D!

Love and miss you!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the video in this entry! I think it's so great that the mom's came and played all those games! I would have liked to join in! Your school sounds like so much more fun than mine! Can I come teach there?
Love ya!

Lindsay Litman said...

Debra- I have been meaning to write a comment for a while now but am just now getting to it! I saw on Facebook that you were in Guatemala, so I clicked on your blog! WOW doesn't even begin to describe your adventure. I was talking with your sister at Rosh Chodesh earlier in the month and I truly think that you are both amazing and inspiring. Thank you and keep blogging, I love it! Be well, Lindsay Litman