Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wise words...

One of my best friends from college is currently serving in the Peace Corps in Mali, West Africa.  To say what she is doing is amazing doesn't even come close to doing it justice.  Anyway, I was reading her blog this morning and in one of her entries, she wrote this:

Yes. Whatever it is. Say yes now, get some moves toward action, and hopefully soon I'll understand. I can always say No later if I realize that's the better answer.

In her case, she was talking about milking a cow but really, these are words that I could definitely learn from.  Earlier this week, I actually took a huge leap in my own life and started feeding my entrepreneurial spirit by buying ownership of the company I work for.

Was it exciting? Yes.  Was it scary?  Absolutely.  But I've just learned to say yes now, move toward action and hope that soon, I will understand.


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